Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Speaking of Viral video, this is a pretty funny video. Oh, and it has over 8 Million views. CRAZY

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Just in case you liked your digital goodness with bacon on it!
Now you can add bacon to any website by adding "http://bacolicio.us/" before any url. Enjoy!


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Strictly for my web geeks!

OK so this one is nasty! But only true web geeks will appreciate this application developed by Mozilla called Ubiquity. This only works with Firefox, so if you use another browser and are not interested, go away.

As they explain it: Ubiquity helps you connect the web with language. So what does this mean?
Lets say you are surfing the web and find an address and you would like to see where it is located on a map. The only way to do that currently would be for you to copy and paste this address into another service or web page such as mapquest or google maps. But with Ubiquity, you can highlight the address directly on the page, launch ubiquity by hitting Cmd/space bar and type map. It will map it right then an there. If you would like to email that directly to a friend, you can type a command such as "email this to michael", it only works with google mail right now, but it will find your contact named michael and place that address and map ready to hit send.

There are other commands such as: Wiki (search wikipedia), Weather (no explanation needed), google, etc. etc..

The cool part is that you can just highlight something and hit the command and bingo. See my image capture for an example.

Either way its pretty bad ass, you can check it here: http://labs.mozilla.com/projects/ubiquity/

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Best of Viral 2008

Sorry to the 3 of you who read my blog for being absent for a few weeks. :)
But I have been very busy drinking during the holidays so I apologize. Either way there really hasn't been anything that interesting going on on the web. But I have a few posts to share with you guys.

First is this link from the Washington Post where they review the best of Viral videos 2008, by far the best one is the AHA one.:


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Thursday, December 11, 2008

Fuck You Penguin

Hilarious and Crazy. A blog where they tell cute animals what's what.

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Saturday, December 6, 2008

Two things I love: Radiohead and Cool Websites

You can edit a live rendition of 15 Steps and post it! Sweet Goodness!

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Monday, November 24, 2008

Stumble Upon!

So, its pretty safe to say that I am addicted to the internet. Obviously this is a good thing for me since its what I do for a living.
This weekend I stumbled upon, pun completely intended, www.stumbleupon.com.
I have been hearing about this for a little while now but over the weekend I decided to install it and boy am I glad I did. Stumble Upon is an web application that you tell it what things interest you and it basically shows you at random, well, website that would interest you.
I spend a good part of my day researching, surfing, and discovering new things online and this has now made my life so much simpler.
I love Stumble Upon!

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Friday, November 21, 2008

Original Video!

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Oldie but goodie!

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Thursday, November 20, 2008

In the: I wish we did this site department

Fun and very creative.

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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

For inspiration!

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Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I really wish we had done this site. It is so completely crazy and awesome, it hurts.
Its a site for a Flash designer from Amsterdam. This guy is a genius and he is 22.
Do yourself a favor and take 10 minutes to navigate this site.
Crazy awesome!

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Thursday, November 6, 2008

Movember - Sponsor Me

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Monday, October 27, 2008


I am always talking about what a good job some agencies are doing integrating apps/advertising/entertainment and true interactivity with the consumer. This is another one of those examples. Lean Mean Fighting Machine created this site for the Samsung Pixon which is a phone with an 8 megapixel camera. The site follows professional photographer Nick Turpin throughout Europe while he takes pictures and lets users decide what the next subject should be by clicking on the last image. Users and the photographer can communicate via twitter and you can also see where his current location is. Pretty sweet.


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Thursday, October 23, 2008


Sorry to the 5 of you who read my blog. I haven't had a chance to post anything in about a week, been crazy busy with some really cool projects that I will no doubt post on here when they are ready.

Anyway, found this on a friends blog and thought it was pretty crazy and we all love crazy. Its a viral video for a fashion designer called Adam Kimmel. What does the video have to do with the clothing? Nothing, unless it wants to say that if you wear Adam Kimmel, you are an adventurous lunatic. I would love to be able to do this without dying. Sweet Jesus.

Oh and by the way: I VOTED TODAY! Go out and vote people.

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Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Drunk Mailing

This is some pretty funny stuff. Gmail now has a function that you can turn on called Mail Goggles. Its designed to prevent you from sending a regrettable late night email. The way it works is after you hit send, it asks you a series of math questions that you need to answer within a minute. If you get them right you can proceed to send the email. By default its enabled late night on weekends, but you can adjust it after you have enabled it. Pretty damn funny and clever too.
More info here: http://gmailblog.blogspot.com/2008/10/new-in-labs-stop-sending-mail-you-later.html

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Monday, October 6, 2008

We are not Crispin?


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Well Integrated

I really love well done integrated campaigns. Nokia is doing exactly that for a new phone they are launching.

YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIWABL3DVms
Website: http://www.annasphone.com
Anna's Facebook: http://www.new.facebook.com/pages/Anna-Randall/57295095008

I also cant help but notice that the art direction is a PG version of Last Night's Party (NSW)

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Here is another great site. This site takes the photo upload to another level by adding it to a flash video, with perspective.
The site is for one of those pills that you take to prevent hang overs.

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Monday, September 29, 2008


I found this site on the FWA the other night while I was home. It asked me weather I had 3D glasses or not. Unfortunately I didn't have 3d glasses readily available at home, but I do have some in the office. Don't worry about nuances such as: "why do I have 3d glasses at the office?". I thought the site was cool without the glasses since they used PaperVision 3D and we are in the process of designing a site with PaperVision 3D as well. So I was curious to find out if the site really worked with the 3D glasses and it does!
The site is for an interactive shop in Amsterdam, you can check out their blog here as well.

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Don't you love/hate it, when you come up with an idea and you present it to a client, or potential client, and for whatever reason they don't go for it and then you see it done some time later by someone else? Yeah, I love/hate it too.
Well this is one of those times.
Also, check out the very awesome viral video used to promote the party here.

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Interactive Music Video

Found this on an another agencies website and found it pretty interesting and also crazy.....and, well, you know by now.

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Sunday, September 21, 2008

Crispin and Microsoft's New Campaign

After two Seinfeld + Bill spots, CP+B and Microsoft switched gears with the Life without Walls campaign.

The new commercials are ok, but I dont see them as being too insightful. It speaks about how many different people use PC's vs the "cool" Mac vs PC spots where they pin the PC user as a dork, but it really doesnt tell me anything about why I should choose a PC or any sort of differentiation. Its no secret that the amount of users on PC's way outnumber any other operating system (Currently 90% Windows, 7% Mac) but the market share trend has been in Apple's favor. Since September 2006 Mac has almost doubled its market share.
And it will continue to gain.

The supporting website and the idea of recording yourself for a chance to come out on a Times Square billboard has been done before.

I happened to enjoy the spots with Jerry and Bill, I thought that they did exactly what they were meant to do which was spark conversations about the ads. Isnt any press, good press?
In my opinion, they were on a better path, give me something different, not point out the obvious.

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Friday, September 19, 2008

YearBook Yourself

Pretty entertaining site for a group of malls.

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Shave the Pussy

Another great example of a brand using entertainment to keep you engaged in order to create brand awareness. Now go, shave your own Fiffi.

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Thursday, September 18, 2008

My Lonesome Cowboy

Japanase artist Takashi Murakami sold an 8 foot sculpture, titled "My Lonesome Cowboy" for $15.2 million dollars back in May. You can see it here
I know its not digital, but its pretty crazy, and we all Love Crazy!

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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Martha Stewart and QR Codes

Found this on Agency Spy:
"The Winter issue of Martha Stewart Weddings will be the first women's magazine to allow readers to snap a picture of the ads with their phone and through a shop called, SnapTell, instantly get back content from an advertiser."

Traditional mediums need to continue to find clever ways to engage consumers in order to keep up with technology.

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Monday, September 15, 2008

The X Factor

Great site supporting the show X Factor from the UK, which is like American Idol.
On the site you can record your own song and get judged by people online for a chance to appear on the TV spots.
Pretty cool.

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Muito Bonito

This is a beautiful site I found this morning. Really nice illustration and the scroll bars are very original. I also feel that the clothing style is captured nicely by the design of the site, which at the end is what good web design should accomplish every time.

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Friday, September 12, 2008

Burger King Musica

We developed this landing/splash page for Burger King as the portal to their music promotions within the US Hispanic and Latin American markets.

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Bill Gates busts the Robot!

Here is the new Microsoft spot from CP+B. I would like to know what you think.

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Is the internet awesome?

Is the internet awesome?

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MTV's Back Channel :: Competitive Twittering

area/code developed a type of social networking site for MTV called Back Channel. Currently the Hills is the only show participating, but more are on their way. How it works: while watching the Hills, you can tag things such as "I love Spencer, he is so hot" and see if anyone agrees.....you go accumulating points for every Tag or comment you agree with or when people agree with yours or you predict the next tag.
From Cnet:
"But Backchannel has bigger implications for what MTV has in store when it comes to social networking. Profiles for Backchannel are compatible with Flux, the social platform that MTV parent company Viacom created from its acquisition of start-up Tagworld and debuted last year. Popular comments from Backchannel, aggregated on the Web site, will also be displayed on reruns of the show, much like MTV's sister channel VH1's Pop Up Video show from the 1990s."

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The aforementioned Barbarian Group worked on a project for CNN called Headline t-shirt project a few months back. They explain it better than I would here.

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Brand Tag

Again, I know that this is a little old...
Noah Brier who is the head of planning and strategy at interactive shop, The Barbarian Group (Subservient Chicken anyone?), created this Tag Cloud website for brands. Find a brand, tag a brand, compare it to what everyone else thinks.

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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Electronic Ink

Esquire magazine publishes first ever electronic ink cover. You can check out more info here.

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Monday, September 8, 2008

Watch the grass grow!!!

I know that its not digital, but its still cool. As part of their "Is it Monday Yet?" campaign, Weiden + Kennedy, New York created this awesome collateral piece. Quoted from Creativity: "With an enclosed sponge, grass seed packet and paper cut-out ref, goal posts and football, Monday Night Football fans get grow-it-yourself mini-fields for their desks."

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We all love crazy, but is it good for an ad agency to be crazy? I think these people are crazy.....but amazingly enough, I would probably hire them....Crazy, I know.

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I know that this is old news, but since this is a new blog.....
For me, this is the site of the last year. Modernista, advertising agency out of Boston with clients such as Hummer, Cadillac, MTV, Napster, Gap and others, used web 2.0 to an extreme. Their entire site is an iframe of popular web 2.0 sites such as wikipedia and myspace as their "About Us" section; youtube for their Video portfolio; google news for their, well, news.and flickr for the print portfolio; just to name a few. Genius! Hats off to them.

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Here is another example of alternative navigation, such as the one in Sour Molly. Not sure what this site is all about, but it goes back to using the web more as entertainment than information. It kept me on until I was through with the entire journey and sometimes thats the outcome that the project calls for.

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Sunday, September 7, 2008

Storm Pulse

This is the best website to find out information about Hurricanes. Check it here.

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Mobile Test

This is me testing the mail to blogger from my cell.

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My Sour Sally

This is one of the nicest sites I have run across in a long time. This is a site for Yogurt! Yogurt! The site was done by Kinetic, an agency in Singapore. I feel that Europe and Asia are pretty far ahead of us when it comes to design and interaction. Either that or their clients just have more of an open mind. Maybe its just me.

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UM vs UF

So last night the Canes lost to UF. I have to say that I am pleased with the loss as weird as that sounds. But the played hard on the D side of the ball. They kept Tebow in check for most of the game and they were helped by a bullshit call from the Refs. Today on cbssportsline, this writer Dodd gave us some props even though that idiot hates us. He still was able to find a reason to give us a little jab at the end. I think we have a shot at winning the ACC because the conference sucks.


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Well, I have been meaning to create a blog for some time and I am trying this thing out for the first time, so bare with me. I spend alot of time browsing the web looking for inspiration and new ideas to use for clients and projects so I figured I would use this platform to share those finds internally with our team and for anyone else that might find these things interesting. I hope you enjoy it. Is there anybody out there?


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