Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Strictly for my web geeks!

OK so this one is nasty! But only true web geeks will appreciate this application developed by Mozilla called Ubiquity. This only works with Firefox, so if you use another browser and are not interested, go away.

As they explain it: Ubiquity helps you connect the web with language. So what does this mean?
Lets say you are surfing the web and find an address and you would like to see where it is located on a map. The only way to do that currently would be for you to copy and paste this address into another service or web page such as mapquest or google maps. But with Ubiquity, you can highlight the address directly on the page, launch ubiquity by hitting Cmd/space bar and type map. It will map it right then an there. If you would like to email that directly to a friend, you can type a command such as "email this to michael", it only works with google mail right now, but it will find your contact named michael and place that address and map ready to hit send.

There are other commands such as: Wiki (search wikipedia), Weather (no explanation needed), google, etc. etc..

The cool part is that you can just highlight something and hit the command and bingo. See my image capture for an example.

Either way its pretty bad ass, you can check it here: http://labs.mozilla.com/projects/ubiquity/

Stumble Upon Toolbar

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