Sunday, September 21, 2008

Crispin and Microsoft's New Campaign

After two Seinfeld + Bill spots, CP+B and Microsoft switched gears with the Life without Walls campaign.

The new commercials are ok, but I dont see them as being too insightful. It speaks about how many different people use PC's vs the "cool" Mac vs PC spots where they pin the PC user as a dork, but it really doesnt tell me anything about why I should choose a PC or any sort of differentiation. Its no secret that the amount of users on PC's way outnumber any other operating system (Currently 90% Windows, 7% Mac) but the market share trend has been in Apple's favor. Since September 2006 Mac has almost doubled its market share.
And it will continue to gain.

The supporting website and the idea of recording yourself for a chance to come out on a Times Square billboard has been done before.

I happened to enjoy the spots with Jerry and Bill, I thought that they did exactly what they were meant to do which was spark conversations about the ads. Isnt any press, good press?
In my opinion, they were on a better path, give me something different, not point out the obvious.

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