Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Square- another reason to love the iPhone

I have this conversation with my wife often. Well I guess it really isn't a conversation. Its more like me telling her why her BB sucks and why my iPhone is the greatest invention of the last 5 years. The iPhone isn't just a phone, its my GPS, my music player, my means to getting information on the go. Its basically my laptop in my pocket. And now the iPad, well that's another conversation. So the reason for my post: Square, another in a long line of apps for the iPhone. Say you are having a garage sale and someone drives by and sees that really useless foot massager and wants to pay you $50 for it, but they don't have enough cash. Well, with square, you can run their credit card right on the iPhone. The card reader goes right into the audio jack of the device, you swipe the card, type in a description of the item, the user signs with their finger and you can send them a receipt via email. Genius. Bet you cant do that with your black berry babe. She hates me.

Check out square at

Posted via web from ramon branger's posterous

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