Thursday, August 26, 2010

hyper local cultural sustainability

Hyper Local     (
Culture            (
Sustainability  (

So I have been toying around with this thought of cultural sustainability. It occurred to me while meeting with an online radio station right across the street from my office (
The idea behind the meeting was simple: how could we help you and how can you help us. It occurred to me that within our neighborhood and surrounding area, are many local business within the same artistic culture mentality or love for something somehow artistic. Many of us really love our work and our work becomes who we are or vice versa. Some, as the guys at Wynwood Radio, do it as a labor of love while maintaining other careers. Some like us at Macias and The Alten Group, are lucky enough to earn a living (hahahaha) doing what we love.

So where am I going with this? Well truthfully I don’t know yet. However, thinking of ways that we, within this culture and local area, can help sustain and grow this culture for ourselves and for those who follow us is the basic idea. The same way cultures can sustain themselves through farming (food, electrical, water), but in this case we are sustaining our local culture by helping each other in some way (promotions, events, advertising, barter, etc.)

Posted via email from ramon branger's digital goodness blog

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