Tuesday, March 30, 2010


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Monday, March 29, 2010

16-Year Old Girl Fuels Small Shoe Site’s Best Day Ever - PSFK

Another great example of how social media influencers are a great asset to any social media strategy. It also is a great example of how understanding your target audience is one of the most important things in a marketing campaign, but specially in regards to social media. I know it sounds obvious, but what a female 13-17 does online vs a female 35-44 does is completely different. As always, its very important to know what your goals are before doing anything. In this case, the promo did a great job of branding for the company, but it did not necessarily translate to sales.

Posted via web from ramon branger's posterous

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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Chatroulette Piano Improv #2: Merton Returns [VIDEO]

This guy is awesome, he gets on chat roulette and improvs songs based on the people he sees. Pretty damn funny.

Posted via web from ramon branger's posterous

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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Testing Flickr Embed Test

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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Time Inc. Shows Us Their Idea of the Future of Magazines [Video]

Last month we looked at the Wired magazine iPad demo. Here's a demo for Sorts Illustrated. Sweet!

Posted via web from ramon branger's posterous

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The Current State of Twitter [INFOGRAPHIC]

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Sunday, March 7, 2010

Follow Great Web Designers on Twitter

I'm not a web designer, but my company is, and I'm on this list. :)

Posted via email from ramon branger's posterous

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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

ABSOLUT VODKA And Jay-Z Give The People What They Want - PSFK

Documentary created by Absolut and Jay Z called NY-Z. It launched yesterday in Madison Square Garden to the audience while the stage was being created. Its going to officially launch on March 22nd on Facebook.com/absolut

Absolut is one of those brands that truly gets it and truly uses social media to its full potential. It also points out the obvious: ITS ALL ABOUT CONTENT. The video, as you can see, is wonderfully shot and gives users an inside look at a very popular and successful artists. Branded entertainment at its best.
Nice job Absolut.

Posted via web from ramon branger's posterous

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