Monday, February 7, 2011

PSFK » NFL Hopes To Replace Playbooks With iPads

Anytime an organization can embrace technology to enhance any experience is a good thing. Games evolve. The players have better equipment, nutrition, gear and more and more, new technology. I am sure there will be the one or two pundits who will say: "too much technology is ruining the game, its too easy for the players now-a-days". Well go back to wearing leather helmets then will ya.

From PSFK:
The NFL is tech savvy enough to feature high-definition instant replays and in-helmet communication, yet traditionally, the games are planned by way of old fashioned paper playbooks and game-day printouts. CNET reports that with current technology moving at a rapid pace, NFL teams are considering the introduction of iPads or other tablets into the fray. The topic came up last Tuesday during a discussion about Dallas Cowboys Stadium technology during Super Bowl Media Day. Pete Walsh, Cowboys head of technology, mentioned the Cowboys and others are considering a potential shift that could pave the way for Apple’s iPad, noting how this move “could save them as much as 5,000 pages of paper printouts per game.”

Besides the cost and environmental benefits of eliminating paper, a networked iPad would give coaches and players access to data in a whole new way, through clearly presented plays, real-time communication with coordinators in the booth, and photos of the field that are printed on the sideline could be pushed to an iPad seconds after the play is completed.

Posted via email from ramon branger's digital goodness blog

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