Tuesday, July 27, 2010

About Event Horizon « Antony Gormley: Event Horizon

Very cool public art exhibition on Madison Square Park in NYC.

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Sunday, July 25, 2010

True Blood - Babyvamp Jessica's Blog: http://babyvamp-jessica.com/

As a fan of the show and of clever use of social media, I approve this link:


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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Article: Darth Vader Robs Bank (Photos, Oh Yes, Photos) - Gothamist

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Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Old Spice Social Media Campaign by the Numbers

The last couple of days have been an Old Spice explosion, as one of the most popular viral campaigns in recent history — in which the Old Spice Guy made personalized videos for fans, randoms and prominent bloggers alike — has taken over the social media realm. But how popular was it really? Visible Measures has some nifty numbers for us.

First, here’s the basics:

  • Number of videos made: 180+
  • Number of video views: 5.9 million
  • Number of comments: 22,500

And that’s since Tuesday.

The campaign, which stars The Most Interesting Man in the World 2.0 Isaiah Mustafa, launched in February centered around the theme “The Man Your Man Could Smell Like.” The original ad attracted 19 million views to date across all platforms (not just the below YouTube clip).

Next came “The Return of The Man Your Man Could Smell Like,” which premiered a few weeks ago and has already garnered 6.9 million views.

As you can see, the campaign has only continued to grow in popularity — likely due to increased press/brand recognition.

According to Visible Measures, “Old Spice Responses” — a.k.a the string of custom-made vids — is one of the fastest-growing online video campaigns of all time. The company compares the endeavor to some of the most popular viral videos to date below, and how they’ve grown over the course of 24 hours (to be fair, “Old Spice Responses” had a time limit attached, so there was more urgency to participate with this particular string of videos than there was to get in on, say, the Susan Boyle craze).

Using Viewers to Go Viral

What’s genius about this endeavor is how Old Spice and marketing agency Wieden + Kennedy have used viewers to go viral. Yesterday, I was chatting with Dan Greenberg of Sharethrough — a company that seeds viral videos for brands — about the campaign, and he pointed out that, “Brands don’t make viral videos, users make videos viral.” That’s exactly what Old Spice achieved, rather handily.

Read Write Web has an excellent piece on how exactly this campaign worked, explaining how a team of “tech geeks, marketers and writers” gathered together and tapped everything from Facebook and Twitter to Reddit and 4chan (yes, 4chan — they went there) to make this thing go global. As I pointed out on Tuesday and Stan Schroeder opined this a.m., this campaign worked so well because it spoke directly to you.

A New Kind of Viral Video?

“In a way there’s nothing magical that we’ve done here,” Wieden + Kennedy’s Global Interactive Creative Director Iain Tait, told RWW. “We just brought a character to life using the social channels we all [social media geeks] use every day. But we’ve also taken a loved character and created new episodic content in real time.”

And that might be the most interesting part of the whole deal — how overwhelmingly positive it is. Let’s face it, most viral videos are shocking, disturbing and/mocking of their subject (as much as I adore “Double Rainbow,” it is, well, kind of mean). There’s none of that here. Instead of trying to trick folks into sharing content by creating something shocking or over-the-top (which would impel one to pass it along via the “WTF!?” sentiment) or coasting along on an established viral meme and attaching a product to it (as folks have done with Chatroulette and flash mobs), Old Spice first created a character that people — shock, shock, horror, horror — liked, and then created an immersive experience that people wanted to be a part of.

Congrats, Old Spice. You’ve set the precedent. Now ready yourself for the deluge of less successful copycats.

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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

AdFreak: Old Spice guy personally thanks online fans

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Improv Everywhere Brings "Star Wars" to NYC Subway Car [VIDEO]

So awesome! Improv Everywhere strikes again.

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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Old Spice | Boat

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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Ridley Scott and YouTube Want You To Film One Day in Your Life

Cool crowd-sourcing project produced by Ridley Scott. I do wonder if this is for a brand or campaign or something along those lines. But nevertheless its pretty cool.

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Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Alten Group engaged to develop Interactive video installation for Verizon at Jets-Giants Stadium

We are excited to announce that The Alten Group has been engaged by Lava Studio to develop an interactive video installation at the new Jets-Giants Stadium, site for the Super Bowl in 2014. We will be responsible for all interactive programming using Adobe Director. The installation will be created for Verizon. Stay tuned for more news.

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Alex Bogusky Resigns From MDC

Wow. Interesting news in the Ad world.

Adweek excerpt below:
Alex Bogusky, the legendary creative leader at MDC Partners and a founder of its flagship agency, Crispin Porter + Bogusky, has resigned from the company. In recent years, Bogusky, 47, has had less day-to-day input at Crispin as he pursued outside writing projects.

In early 2008, he was named co-chair at Crispin, with agency creative execs Andrew Keller and Rob Reilly assuming top creative responsibility as co-ecds. In January, Bogusky assumed a top MDC creative role.

"Alex Bogusky has resigned from MDC Partners in order to focus his time and energy on pursuing a number of initiatives and issues apart from advertising and marketing that he feels strongly about," the company said in a statement. "We have enjoyed a long and tremendously productive partnership over the past 10 years and have the utmost respect and admiration for Alex. We're confident that many important causes will benefit from his passion and brilliance, and wish him the very best in all of his future endeavors."

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