Friday, April 30, 2010

Oil Clean Up Volunteer Opportunities

Clean Up Oil This Weekend!
Help Clean Up Florida's Coast Before Oil Hits!
Click here to find out more

In 8 days: 2,157,706 gallons of Oil Spilled

Because so many of you are following news of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, we thought you might be interested in 3 ways you can help with the oil spill issue today and this weekend:

1. Travel to Panhandle and West Coast of Florida beaches. According to consultants working for BP, the best thing we can do right now to prepare for oil making landfall is to clean up the shorelines. The less garbage and debris on shorelines the easier they are to clean up.

Get get to your favorite west coast shoreline today or this weekend and help speed up the clean up process. (DO NOT remove any live plants. Simply remove any garbage, large shells, drift wood, etc. Debris should be removed to the extent that wave and tides can reach.)

2. While the President has temporarily changed his mind to drilling, Click Here to tell the Obama Administration new drilling is NOT THE ANSWER. The tragedy in the Gulf of Mexico makes it clear that it is time once again time to restore those moratoriums.

3. Take the Wall Street Journal Poll on Oil Drilling Expansion and share with others.

How to Stay Up to Date on this Issue!

Click here to subscribe to an email list specifically set up to keep you apprised of the Gulf of Mexico Spill including volunteer oil spill training. To learn more about volunteering at oil spills go to the Oil Volunteer Handbook.

Recent News Clips
St. Petersburg Times focusing on oil spill issues and impacts
Miami Herald Winds Could Shift
Rep. Markey (D-MA, ocean champ) setting up hearing to grill big oil

To stay up to date on this and more go to WWW.NOTTHEANSWER.ORG •  Surfrider Foundation Florida Chapter Network

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