Saturday, January 30, 2010

Context is King: How Videos Are Found And Consumed Online

Very insightful article on TechCrunch on how videos are consumed online. It still amazes me how every day the web and its possibilities affect and change consumer habits and their consumption of media. It excites me to think that this is the industry that we work in. 5 years ago when I started working at The Alten Group, everything we wanted to do was rich media websites. That has changed dramatically over the last several years. We try to pitch our clients more and more on new technology and strategic ways to get eyeballs to their content. Some clients understand, some are still a little old school, but at the end its our job to sell them on it and as we like to say, acculturate them to the digital ecology.

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Friday, January 29, 2010

Pepsi skips super bowl ad for first time in 23 years

Instead, they are spending $20 million on a social media effort.

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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Resident Click ::

Resident Click is our new IP product we have developed with our partner, The Newsletter Company. Its an online platform developed for property management companies to communicate more effectively with their communities. Take a quick tour and sign up to receive more information about becoming one of our beta communities.

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Saturday, January 23, 2010

“Socially Challenged” – Missing Out on Free Advertising « Ad-itude

A couple months ago, one of our clients hired a new marketing director and, as is often the case, the new addition wanted to put her own stamp on things. Bring on the RFP.

Up to this point, our services were relegated to media buying and print design for this client. And, when I say print design, I mean simply wrapping client-supplied content in a pretty package. So, in a lot of ways, we were excited for this opportunity. If we won the RFP, we could finally bring all of our agency resources to bear and develop a genuine full-service partnership.

So, our media team went to work on a comprehensive 12-month plan with tons of added value while our creative gang churned out a fantastic campaign of TV, radio, print, outdoor and online executions. Naturally, we also recognized that no advertising plan is complete in this day and age without a substantial social media component.

Our social media plan hit on all bases…community hub on Facebook, industry news flashes on Twitter, video diaries on YouTube, reviews on Yelp, staff insights on Blogger…we had it all.

The day of the big presentation arrived and we headed out to meet with the CEO, CFO, CIO, MD, ABC, ETC. There were nearly a dozen people to hear our spiel. Of these, maybe three read the written version in advance, the others were hearing this stuff for the first time. Here’s the really fun part, we were the fourth agency presenting that day – and it was 4:45 Friday afternoon. Just keeping them awake would be a victory.

We led with the traditional media plan and followed with the creative concept before getting into the social media. Two minutes in, it was quite apparent no other agency even uttered the words, “social media.” A grey-haired gentleman in the back shifted in his chair. A well-heeled woman up front cocked her head to one side. And then came the question. “OK, so we do all this, but who cares? I mean, what’s the point.”

I spent the next several minutes explaining that today’s marketing benefits from establishing two-way relationships with consumers. I told them how sharing valued resources make you a trusted partner and keeps your brand in front of tomorrow’s clients. I pointed out that while much of their target audience is 35-54, that’s the fastest growing demographic for social media.

The points stimulated a lot of discussion and the new marketing director was all over it. To be honest, I got the impression she knew just as much as I did, which impressed me. Unfortunately, she was possibly the only one in the room who got it. Others remained skeptical until I dropped my trump card, “and did I mention this is all free?” Furrowed brows turned to curious stares as I went on to tell them that our agency will implement these strategies to whatever degree they desire, but that the majority of the work could be done internally, with no fees to our agency.

For us, bringing social media to the table wasn’t about generating additional account service charges, it was about earning the client’s trust, demonstrating that as their full-service agency, we will watch out for their best interests regardless of fattening our own pockets. That’s what they should expect of an agency partner.

Clients that don’t recognize the value of social media are missing the boat; agencies that don’t put clients’ long-term needs above their own short-term gains are missing the entire fleet.

Great blog post by my friend @dwasylow. Nice job Damion!

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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Looks to be a cool insiders look at street art.

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HBO site redesign, Hats off to @rga for another job well done. Beautiful use of streaming video

HBO: Redesign - Cat: Creativity and Technology - Creativity Online

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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

(Pic) Life Clock Tracks The Slow Passage Of Time - PSFK

Digging this. A clock that tracks your personal life time. Depressing?

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Sunday, January 17, 2010

Watch the Golden Globes Live online

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Saturday, January 16, 2010

5 Ways Foursquare is Changing the World

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Friday, January 15, 2010

Digital Magazine? Mag+ by BERG

Amazing to think that very soon this could replace the traditional magazine. Imagine having a machine such as this where you could browse through a library of publications and purchase any magazine you wanted, anywhere in the world. Much like you can buy any song/album anywhere any time, using and iPhone. Or any book using a Kindle. There is still something to be said, some will say, for the feel of a magazine/book/news paper in your hand. But I guess 20 some odd years ago, people said the same thing about records and CDs. I haven't bought an actual physical music item in over 5 years, other than the actual player, and probably never will again. Exciting, at least to me it is. Would love to hear some thoughts on this.

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Thursday, January 14, 2010

This made my day. 5 year old prodigy drummer.

Look at his face. He is loving it.

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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Real Time Ads Coming to Google Street View?

Wow! A digital tool virtually (pun intended) rendering another print medium obsolete. :) Pretty insane.

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Monday, January 11, 2010

New Facebook Feature Combats Dodgy Friend Requests (via Mashable)

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Is This KFC Ad Racist? [YOUTUBE VIDEO]

What do you think? Racist? Or have we Americans gotten too sensitive?

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Sunday, January 10, 2010


Starting to think a snuggie would have been a great Christmas present.

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Saturday, January 9, 2010

(Pic) A Visual Depiction Of How Much Data Americans Consume Daily - PSFK

Insane to think that on average we consume 18+ hours of data in a day.
In the words of The Police: "Too much information running through my brain. Too much information driving me insane"

How much is too much?

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5 Finds From “I Swear To Good You Are God At This” - PSFK

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