Friday, January 30, 2009

Skeleton Boy

This is an awesome video. The effect was done with double sided tape and bean bag balls thrown at them with fans.

Pretty damn cool and the song is good too.

Friendly Fires 'Skeleton Boy' by Clemens Habicht from Nexus Productions on Vimeo.

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Friday, January 23, 2009

Shepard Fairy

Those of you who know me, know that I love Shepard Fairy's (Obey) work and clothing. I think I am particularly inclined to his work because its one of those "start from nothing", ideas/story/business.

Either way here is a video from a talk he gave at the PSFK Conference Los Angeles


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Eyebrow Dancing, another genius commercial for Cadbury

By Fallon London

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Obama's Bullet Resistant Suit and Security.

Check out some of the futuristic security gadgets that President Obama was protected by during the inaguration.

Article on the matter HERE:

Video on the SUV that followed him:

And Here is a great article about the Spy resistant Blackberry or Barrackberry he got hooked up with.

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Thursday, January 15, 2009

Night Drive

Love this commercial done by DDB, London

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Friday, January 9, 2009

Forever and a Day

Forever at the Victoria & Albert Museum from Universal Everything on Vimeo.

Beautiful installation in the Victoria and Albert museum in London. Its called "Forever" and it was done by Universal Everything.
Rip it and do it.

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Inventing Kin

Gold Dickinson Productions' latest short is coming soon, check the preview.
My homeboy Fro is the director, Classy as all hell.

Inventing Kin from gold dickenson productions on Vimeo.

Check out their first release here:

Classy, Classy Shit!

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Thursday, January 8, 2009

Testing the Feeling

I feel like testing :, an exploration of human emotion on the web.

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Saturday, January 3, 2009

My Top 10 of 2008

Ten reasons why 2008 didn't suck for me.

10. Miami Dolphins won the AFC east and made the playoffs.
9. The Hurricanes made a bowl game
8. Landing new clients such as Burger King and Swisher
7. My company made more money than it did last year.
6. We won best of show interactive for one of our clients:
5. I didn't have to fire anyone.
4. I ran and completed my first marathon
3. The memory of my Grandfather.
2. The love of my wife
1. Listening to my son's laughter every day.

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