Monday, October 27, 2008


I am always talking about what a good job some agencies are doing integrating apps/advertising/entertainment and true interactivity with the consumer. This is another one of those examples. Lean Mean Fighting Machine created this site for the Samsung Pixon which is a phone with an 8 megapixel camera. The site follows professional photographer Nick Turpin throughout Europe while he takes pictures and lets users decide what the next subject should be by clicking on the last image. Users and the photographer can communicate via twitter and you can also see where his current location is. Pretty sweet.

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Thursday, October 23, 2008


Sorry to the 5 of you who read my blog. I haven't had a chance to post anything in about a week, been crazy busy with some really cool projects that I will no doubt post on here when they are ready.

Anyway, found this on a friends blog and thought it was pretty crazy and we all love crazy. Its a viral video for a fashion designer called Adam Kimmel. What does the video have to do with the clothing? Nothing, unless it wants to say that if you wear Adam Kimmel, you are an adventurous lunatic. I would love to be able to do this without dying. Sweet Jesus.

Oh and by the way: I VOTED TODAY! Go out and vote people.

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Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Drunk Mailing

This is some pretty funny stuff. Gmail now has a function that you can turn on called Mail Goggles. Its designed to prevent you from sending a regrettable late night email. The way it works is after you hit send, it asks you a series of math questions that you need to answer within a minute. If you get them right you can proceed to send the email. By default its enabled late night on weekends, but you can adjust it after you have enabled it. Pretty damn funny and clever too.
More info here:

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Monday, October 6, 2008

We are not Crispin?

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Well Integrated

I really love well done integrated campaigns. Nokia is doing exactly that for a new phone they are launching.

Anna's Facebook:

I also cant help but notice that the art direction is a PG version of Last Night's Party (NSW)

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Here is another great site. This site takes the photo upload to another level by adding it to a flash video, with perspective.
The site is for one of those pills that you take to prevent hang overs.

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