Thursday, August 4, 2011

What do you think? Art or Vandalism?


Colombian-born visual artist Ivan Argote ‘Retouches’ Mondrian Paintings @PSFK

Colombia-born visual artist Ivan Argote is known for creating artworks that convey a rebellious attitude toward traditional art. In this surprising piece, titled Retouch,’ Argote films himself with a video camera and proceeds to spray-paint over top of two paintings by the famed Dutch painter Piet Mondrian. While it may seem like a juvenile act of vandalism, Argote’s work seems to highlight the often-overlooked characteristics of paintingsjust glanced at in museums — in this case, the precision of Mondrian’s usage of vertical and horizontal lines and the three primary colors. With their graffitti additions, the paintings become more noticeable in a way.

Watch the full video below:

His website:

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