Sunday, November 28, 2010

Ron English for Wynwood Walls

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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Mother F*cker needs to be using Tiff Files ! (Video)

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Asics: ASICS @ the New York City Marathon: Friends and Family - Interactive (video) - Creativity Online

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Friday, November 19, 2010

Nerdgasm! Star Wars Drawings Made Only With Type | Co.Design

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Bouygues Telecom: Flashback Book Facebook App | Ads of the World via @jmorales273"},"controls":{"autoHide":"always","bufferColor":"#000000","url":"","height":24},"rtmp":{"url":"","netConnectionUrl":"rtmp://"}},"canvas":{"background":"#000000 url( no-repeat 0 0","backgroundGradient":"none"},"playerId":"video-player"}" />

Very cool idea. DDB Paris created an app that creates a limited edition book out of your facebook content. The user could chose the timeframe as well as up to 10 friends to be in the book. It compiled images and status updates of that time. After two days they received 15,000 fans and the book sold out in one hour (1,000) copies. Cheers!

Posted via email from ramon branger's digital goodness blog

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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Ron English for Wynwood Walls | Art Basel Miami 2010 | SLAMXHYPE

Word! Had no idea he was creating a wall. Anyone know where this is?

Posted via email from ramon branger's digital goodness blog

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FriendsWithYou at Art Basel Miami | SLAMXHYPE

Yeah boy! Cant wait for Art Basel to start!

Posted via email from ramon branger's digital goodness blog

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MIA Skateshop Video Official Trailer

Cool skate vid trailer highlighting the MIA.

Posted via email from ramon branger's digital goodness blog

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Monday, November 15, 2010

Article: The ‘Path’ to Social Network Serenity Is Lined With 50 Friends | Epicenter

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Saturday, November 13, 2010

Article: Banksy hits Number 10

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Friday, November 12, 2010

Article: Stunning NYC Subway Station Hidden From Plain Sight, Until Now

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Retrospective of a 10X world champ (video)

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