Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Scott Cambell Art

If you know me, you know my affinity for Skulls, Guns and Tattoos. This work by Scott Campbell has a little of everything and I like it. I hope you do too. Its made of laser-cut one dollar bill stacks.
See the work here.
For more on Scott Campbell click here

(Via PSFK)

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Monday, April 13, 2009

ZAPPOS.COM I love you!

Sometimes I am pleasantly surprised when a company uses technology, specifically social media to succeed.
Once such case is
I have been seeing them pop up in a few different places, such as in the trays in the security lines at the Jacksonville Airport (see below), which I thought was great media placement, so I decided to give them a chance and order a pair of shoes from them.

Last week on Wednesday, I ordered my first pair of shoes from
I am a follower of @zappos on twitter, which is the account of Tony, their CEO.
I just happend to post the following post on my twitter account:

"Just made my first purchase on @zappos. Overall very pleased, now I hope I got the right size."

After my post I received the following from @Zappos_Service:

'Just give us a call at (800) 927-7671 if you need to exchange for a different size. We're here 24/7 for you."

Obviously the used a twitter filter to find my post, however, this was not an auto-reply since they replied with a resolution to what could be a problem (Shoe Size).

Later that night, I received an email from Zappos, letting me know that although I had chosen the free 4-5 delivery, that they were going to upgrade my order to receive it faster.
Indeed they did and I received my shoes today.
I imagine it had something to do with my twitter post.

I received my shoes in the size I ordered but they were a little tight so I wanted to find out about exchanging them.

I went to to the help section and found a live support chat.
Below is a transcript of my conversation:
You are now chatting with Kristy
Kristy: Hi Ramon!
Ramon: Hi KRisty
Kristy: Did you need a different size? (Did they have notes on my account regarding my twitter post?)
Ramon: yes
Kristy: What size?
Ramon: 9.5
Kristy: OK, not a problem. I pulled up your order from your email address.
Kristy: One moment while I process this exchange for you.
Ramon: ok great
Kristy: Can I have you verify your shipping address please.
Ramon: yes
Ramon: xxx
Kristy: Thank you!
Kristy: One more moment and I will have your new order.
Kristy: Your new order number is 7000xxxxxx. You were not charged for this order; we just moved the funds from the original order. The only thing that we ask is that you return the original order within two weeks.
Kristy: You can print a free UPS label from your account, we can email you one, or we can send one via regular postal mail. Just tape it to the sealed box (with original shoebox inside), covering any old labels, and drop it off at the nearest UPS facility. Please do not ship via drop boxes.
Ramon: awesome
Kristy: Our free shipping takes 4-5 business days, but I am happy to upgrade your order to 1-business day shipping and handling for free! This is a $25 value! You can expect your new order on (04-15-09).
Ramon: so the order on my new shows is already done with the new size?
Kristy: Yes!
Ramon: you guys rock
Kristy: Did you need me to email your return label?
Kristy: Thank you!
Ramon: no i can print it
Kristy: Awesome!
Kristy: I'm going to upgrade your account to VIP status! This will ensure that all future orders go out with 1-business day shipping free of charge!
Just place your future orders at
Ramon: again you guys rock, and you now have a customer for life
Kristy: Well thank you very much!
Ramon: i will never buy shoes online from anyone else
Kristy: AWESOME!
You are most welcome!
Kristy: Is there anything else I can assist you with today?
Ramon: take care kristy
Kristy: You too!
Kristy: Bye Ramon!
Ramon: Bye

This is a great example and case study of a company that is dedicated to great customer service and is using social media tools to accomplish this.

Its no wonder ADAGE named them Marketer of the Year for 2008 (

ZAPPOS.COM, you guys rock, keep up the good work.

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Great social experiment done by a student @ ITP
(Via @tmtyl)

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