Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Local

The New York Times has launched a new digital news site called The Local. As they say: Your Town, Your Neighborhood, Your Block. Covered by you and for you.
Found it an interesting form of User Generated Content once again.
It just makes sense, who cares more about the news in your neighborhood than your neighbors?

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Real Critics

Found this article on PSKF and it brought up a interesting question. Now a days, in today's user generated world, What matters most to businesses? Professional critics or real ones?


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Been a fan of Depeche Mode for some time, found this video on Creativty and thought it was amazing. I enjoy art that is dark, and this falls in that category.

Enjoy! or not!

Depeche Mode - Wrong - directed by Patrick Daughters from Bruno Dejonghe on Vimeo.

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Hello friend.

Again, I apologize for been absent for some time. Been faced with the reality of trying to run a business and all the good and bad that comes with it. Sometimes, like I joke at the office, I feel I should maybe open a sandwich shop in Costa Rica or Nicaragua, or maybe start selling Mangos, Avocados and Mamonsillos.
Either way I have some new posts I found interesting and wanted to share with you.
Let me know your thoughts.

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