Monday, November 24, 2008

Stumble Upon!

So, its pretty safe to say that I am addicted to the internet. Obviously this is a good thing for me since its what I do for a living.
This weekend I stumbled upon, pun completely intended,
I have been hearing about this for a little while now but over the weekend I decided to install it and boy am I glad I did. Stumble Upon is an web application that you tell it what things interest you and it basically shows you at random, well, website that would interest you.
I spend a good part of my day researching, surfing, and discovering new things online and this has now made my life so much simpler.
I love Stumble Upon!

Stumble Upon Toolbar

Friday, November 21, 2008

Original Video!

Stumble Upon Toolbar

Oldie but goodie!

Stumble Upon Toolbar

Thursday, November 20, 2008

In the: I wish we did this site department

Fun and very creative.

Stumble Upon Toolbar

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

For inspiration!

Stumble Upon Toolbar

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I really wish we had done this site. It is so completely crazy and awesome, it hurts.
Its a site for a Flash designer from Amsterdam. This guy is a genius and he is 22.
Do yourself a favor and take 10 minutes to navigate this site.
Crazy awesome!

Stumble Upon Toolbar

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Movember - Sponsor Me

Stumble Upon Toolbar